

Photo by me from the summer of 2010.
Hi, sweets! So, the last couple of weeks/days I have gotten some questions about what I am going to do in Paris and when I'm moving etc. So I thought that now is a good time to answer some of them. Let's start. I am moving to Paris in August this year, and I am going to study french for a semester. That means that I will be finished with my study in late November, but I am most likely staying some weeks longer just to live my life in the city without thinking about school. I am travelling through Gateway College and up to this point I have no complains about them. I am doing this alone, which means I am not going there together with anyone I know. So I really hope I'll make some friends there! I am also getting a lot of visits from friends and family while I'm there, so I am really just looking forward. About where I'm gonna live, I am considering applying for a student home in the 8e arrondissement. And the only thing to do for me in the upcoming months now is to save some (much) money and to start planning what I'm gonna take with me. I hope this answered some of your questions and that you want to follow me on my journey! Kisses.


  1. such a lovely blog and i'm sooo jealous about your moving. but hej, at least i'm moving out in august but its no other city.

  2. Anonymous13/1/13 15:05

    good luck! you have no idea how jealous i am.

    i'm sorry that it's out of topic but what eyeliner do you use if you don't mind me asking? i've seen some pictures of you with winged eyes and they look perfect. thanks xxx

    1. Hihi ^^ I use a liquid eyeliner from H&M! It is cheap, and the best I've ever used.

  3. åå, heldig! gleder meg til å følge bloggen derifra!

  4. Anonymous13/1/13 17:36

    Åå så sykt spennende!! Hvor mange studiepoeng får du?

  5. åh, høres spennende ut!
